Temi Anubi

Temi Anubi is the Founder of ‘Reset Your Stage’ which was created in order to help individuals develop a Marketing Strategy as a Small Business, Creative, or Freelancer. Which offers both individual and group sessions that aim to teach the importance of a good Marketing Strategy as a base for the future. Temi’s wanted to create a way to introduce the key concepts of marketing and business development; guidance on structure and the ability to form a basic marketing plan so that people can focus on their dream.

After graduating with a BSC( Econ) in marketing with law. She saw many of her friends looking to start their next big venture without the necessary marketing tools. So she aimed to create a way to introduce the key concepts of marketing and business development; guidance on structure and the ability to form a basic marketing plan so that people can focus on their dream.

How did Temi find the programme?

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“This course has been the most influential thing that I have done this year. The support that I have received in all different areas has been unprecedented. I have managed to achieve things in areas of my business that I didn't know were needed. I have learned so much from how to approach my finances, to how to pitch and utilize different areas of that pitch for different audiences. I have also learned more about myself as an individual and what I, therefore, want Reset Your Stage to Represent. 

However, the most transformative element of the course has been the 1:1 coaching. Bobbi has really helped me to focus on Reset Your Stage in a new way. I  have learned so much from her and she has been so patient yet informative. Many of my future successes will be due, in part to the coaching sessions.

In terms of the next cohort, I definitely recommend this course for anyone who is looking to really move their business forwards in the best and most positive way. I created Reset Your Stage in order to help individuals develop a Marketing Strategy as a Small Business, Creative, or Freelancer. Whether you're setting up an event, selling a product, or attempting to elevate your existing business.”

Facebook: @resetyourstage

Instagram: @resetyourstage

Twitter: @reset_stage

Website: www.resetyourstage.co.uk