Mikhaila Faries

Mikhaila Faries is a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach focused on self-love and care. She has a Masters Degree in Psycho-Social Studies and has always been drawn to helping people in one way or another. The twists and turns of her journey pointed Mikhaila toward her true passion and purpose to help other women who are feeling stuck in the position she was in and support them through their glow up.

So often, we only think about health and wellness through the lens of diet and exercise but there’s so much more involved than just those two aspects. In addition to providing personalised 1:1 coaching sessions, Mikhaila is also the creator of Dragged & Drained to Growing & Glowing. It’s a signature 8 week group coaching program that takes a holistic approach to help busy and burnt-out women to pour into themselves, ditch the guilt, and become happier healthier versions of themselves. To find out more about her program and how to book place, see Mikhaila’s website HERE.

How did Mikhaila find the programme?


“ When I signed up for this course I had no idea the level of support, expertise and community I’d have access to. What I found most useful of everything we’ve learned is how to adjust my mindset to expect and plan for growth. If it wasn’t for Back Her Business, there’s no way I would’ve made all these changes in 12 short weeks. The time went by quickly but when I compare where I was in August versus now, even if all I had gained was a change in mindset, it would still be much more than I could’ve achieved alone.

As a young black woman especially, I’ve always felt like I had to tone down who I really am and what I want to do but being in a space with other women who look like me has reminded me that I can unapologetically chase my goals in life and in business. I am allowed to want great things from my life and I’d be doing myself and the women I want to work with a disservice if I don’t fully step into that purpose. The 1-1 sessions were really helpful in ensuring that we got personalised support even though it was a group course. I’m super grateful to Bobbi and Mina for their work in helping this to be a success.”

Facebook & Instagram: @mf.wellnesscoach

LinkedIn: Mikhaila Faries

Website: www.mfholisticwellness.com