Bristol Youth Horn Concern

Bristol Youth Horn Concern (BYHC) is a registered Community Interest Company (CIC). They have activities including football, basketball and kickboxing to support young people's mental health and help them gain confidence. During lockdown people from the Black and Minoritised communities were living in poor conditions and BYHC helped them to get into green spaces. Khalil Abdi, the Founder, joined this programme to become sustainable as a social enterprise, improve overall, and understand data collection.

The best opportunity we had has been with BSWN, it’s a good example that BSWN understands grassroots and what we need. It’s something we were missing for a long time and BSWN understand this struggle!
— Khalil Abdi

Photograph of young men supported by BYHC with Khalil Abdi and Major Marvin Rees playing football

Through the support this has helped our team and to understand our organisation and now this team has become close like a family.
— Khalil Abdi

Get in touch with BYHC!

Facebook: @Bristolhyc

Twitter: @bristolhyc