Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for:
- Holding the Chief Constable to account
- Making sure the area has an effective & efficient police force
- Setting police & crime objectives for the force area through a Police & Crime Plan
- Setting the force budget & determining the police's portion of council tax bills (the precept)
- Bringing together community safety & criminal justice partners
- Ensuring local priorities are joined up
- If necessary, appointing or dismissing the Chief Constable
"There is greater disproportionality in the number of black people in prisons in the UK than in the United States" The Young Review
This event was organised by Black South West Network in partnership with Up Our Street and supported by Babbasa, Bristol Somali Forum, BCFM radio, StopWatch UK and BTEG.
Candidates included:
Sue Mountstevens, Independent
Mark Weston, Conservative
Kerry Barker, Labour
Paul Crossley, Liberal Democrat
The discussion focused on BAME-specific issues such as over-representation in the Criminal Justice System, Stop&Search and Institutional and historic racism within police that influences the trust building between the police and communities.