07/02/17 VCSE Review: Health and Social care support for the voluntary sector


The aim of this event was to provide information about the big developments in health and social care, and in regard to the VCSE Review of how health and social care should be supporting the voluntary sector (https://vcsereview.org.uk/). Furthermore, the event aimed to inform attendees about local developments in Bristol and the South West and to share examples of key developments in social prescribing, health and justice, and new models of healthcare. The event was attended by 27 NHS staff, voluntary sector organisations in the sphere of health and social justice, and BME-led VCS organisations affected by the VCSE Review aims.

Workshop 1: Equality and health inequalities, Samir Jeraj, Race Equality Foundation

-     presumption of heteronormative identity is an issue
-     NHS unprepared to respond to various needs –race and LGBT
-     Multifaceted identities and demand on specialised service is increasing
-     Availability of service, how to improve and who to instruct the ‘ask and act’ Heath sector need to be considered
-     Various needs within the LGBT community that is often umbrellad and separate audiences (male gay, lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) are not provided for
-     Women, gay women especially not mentioned and LGBT left out of training for NHS

Workshop 2: User-led commissioning, peer support, and peer-modelling, Bernd Sass, DRUK

-     Experiences need to be heard on higher levels
-     If services are led by peers who have the experience, it will make them more targeted and valid to service users
-     Overcoming barriers makes the person stronger and therefore develops resilience, which should be heard in order to improve service
-     Working in partnership is great but resources are not realised within NHS