The West of England Initiative: 30th Anniversary

The West of England Initiative is a business leadership team which enables the business community to positively influence the way our area is shaped, managed and developed. The Initiative work with Local and National Government, the Local Enterprise Partnership and the third sector, engaging authorities of Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath & North East Somerset, and North Somerset.

On the 6th of December 2018, the Initiative celebrated its 30th Anniversary with a fantastic event hosted at the new Weston Studio Theatre at The Bristol Old Vic. Speakers and panelists included:

President of Bristol Chamber of Commerce & Initiative Richard Bonner

Bob Durie, past Director

Andrew Kelly, Director of the Bristol Cultural Development Partnership & Festival of Ideas

Dr John Savage CBE, Former Chief Executive

Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees

Guy Orpen, Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Bristol

and our Director, Sado Jirde.

To find our more about the event and read the Business West event summary, pelase see here.

To watch the ‘The Initiative at 30 - Our Achievements’ video, please see here.