BSWN was delighted to work with the Mayor’s team at Bristol City Hall to organise an early morning ‘Hot Coffee, Hot Topic’ session on 7th December 2018 for colleagues, academics and business leaders interested in the topic of Economic Inclusion and BSWN’s contribution to Inclusive Growth in the city.
20/11/2018 'Reimagining the BAME VCSE: Connected, resilient, engaged’- Annual review & AGM
09/11/2018 Bristol Urban, Enterprise & Innovation Network Launch
27/10/2018 Bristol Somali Festival 2018
25/09/2018 3rd BAME Sector Review: Project survey findings
05/06/2018 BAME Sector Review survey findings with Power to Change event
On 17th April, BSWN organised a BAME Sector Roundtable meeting at the City Hall, in order to invite and hear from local BAME sector representatives, local active members of community, and business and charitable organisations. To find out more about this initial meeting, please see our discussion summary here. Following the success of this meeting, BSWN invited the participants to attend a second meeting in order to share some findings from the BAME Sector Review survey that many in attendance participated in.
04/05/2018 Civil Society Meeting with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Prof. E. Tendayi Achiume, has undertaken an official country visit to the UK between 30th April and 11th May 2018 at the invitation of the Government.
Prof.Achiume, with the support of Black South West Network, held a joint Civil Society Meeting in Bristol on 4th May 2018 at the Phoenix Social Enterprise after meeting with Mayor Marvin Rees, and local Councillors.
19/04/2018 #Islamophobia20 – Bristol launch event
Black South West Network in partnership the Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship at the University of Bristol organised the Bristol launch of the Runnymede Trust's new 20th Anniversary report exploring the impact of Islamophobia on British Muslims, titled 'Islamophobia: Still a challenge for us all'.
17/04/2018 BAME Sector Roundtable meeting
BSWN organised a BAME Sector Roundtable meeting on 17th April at the City Hall, in order to invite and hear from local BAME sector representatives, local active members of community, and business and charitable organisations. The meeting was cohosted by Deputy Mayor Asher Craig and our director, Sado Jirde.
21/03/2018 'Race Roundtable: How Fair is Britain?'
In March this year, our Director Sado Jirde along with representative of the Runnymede Trust, Clinks, the Traveller Movement and the Coalition of Race Equality attended a roundtable event organised by the Equality and Human Rights Commission which marked it's tenth year with a series of roundtable events.
International Women’s Day 2018 at the Bristol Business School
10/02/2018 Third #ThereISBlackIntheUnionJack documentary screening in Bristol
01/2018 National Race Equality Campaigning
Black South West Network has a track record of campaigning for race equality both locally and on a national level. During the months of December 2017 and January 2018, we contributed to the national debate around race quality on two occasions;