CultureBiz Connect

Supporting, Showcasing and Retaining Black and Minoritised Arts and Culture Creative Talent

Following the launch of Culture West, a £3 million collaboration to reimagine and transform access to the arts and culture in the region, we are delighted to be launching the CultureBiz Connect programme!

This programme, delivered in partnership with Diverse Artist Network (DAN) and Creative Powertown, aims to understand and respond to the needs of artists and cultural producers in the West of England through a three-pronged approach of understanding the needs and barriers present in the sector, crafting development programmes for creative businesses, and distributing a small grants programme to support growth and ambition in the sector.

At the heart of this collaboration is the effort to address the unique challenges that prevent underrepresented artists and cultural producers from thriving in the sector, particularly when it comes to making sustainable futures and gaining wider recognition for creative output. As a consortium, we have a unique understanding and collaborative skill set to build different futures for Black and Minoritised artists in the sector.

How can you take part?

In order to understand your needs, barriers to accessing support and funding, and what conditions would help you thrive as an artist in the sector, we need your contribution!

  1. Take part in our short 10-minute survey

  2. Join one of our workshops to share your experience as an artist and cultural producer:

Your contribution will help us both shape a development and a grants programme focused specifically on the needs of Black and Minoritised artists and cultural producers in the region. Those initiatives will run between January and June 2025. 

Image taken during a Diverse Artist Network event (in middle and left) Vandna Mehta & Deasy Bamford, Directors.

To find out more about Culture West programme, please see the page here

Looking for more useful resources? The Creative Freelancer Resource Map for Freelancer ‘s based within the West of England region. The map highlights all of the support available through our Culture West programme and other beneficial opportunities outside of Culture West. See this map as a one-stop shop for a creative freelancer! You can access it here