Covid-19 Resources: March-July 2020

“The misleading language surrounding Covid-19 such as the government’s suggestions that the virus can be defeated by showing fortitude ignores the circumstances faced by the poor and BAME communities. The large number of deaths of BAME people due to…

“The misleading language surrounding Covid-19 such as the government’s suggestions that the virus can be defeated by showing fortitude ignores the circumstances faced by the poor and BAME communities. The large number of deaths of BAME people due to the coronavirus has quickly disproved the claim that the pandemic is a ‘great leveller’ and has instead brought to the fore the many social ills of the world. If coronavirus doesn’t discriminate, why are BAME people bearing the brunt?”

Read BSWN’s statement about the Racial Divide of Covid-19 HERE.

BSWN’s report assesses the impact of COVID-19 on BAME businesses, organisations and self-employed individuals and explains how the virus and social distancing rules have exacerbated pre-existing dynamics of socio-economic structural inequality. Read…

BSWN’s report assesses the impact of COVID-19 on BAME businesses, organisations and self-employed individuals and explains how the virus and social distancing rules have exacerbated pre-existing dynamics of socio-economic structural inequality. Read the full report HERE.

1. VCSE Organisations & Communities

If yourself or your organisation work with those on benefits or experiencing hardship: 

  • For citizens experiencing hardship, e.g. reduced income to statutory sick pay, they may be eligible for existing support which should be applied for in the normal way: Link here

  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme: Link here

  • Housing Benefit: Link here

  • Universal Credit: Link here

  • Discretionary Housing Payments: Link here

  • Local Crisis Prevention Fund: Link here

NCVO has published a guidance page with useful information for charities such as: 

Community support resources: 

  • Supporting rough sleepers

  • Supporting children and young adults through fostering service with Bristol City Council

  • Race Equality Foundation has provided a useful briefing page for organisations working with black & minority ethnic groups, and travellers communities HERE

  • Community Access Support Service (CASS) has  consolidate a spreadsheet reflecting changes to mental health service delivery in the area 

  • If you support individuals with medical condition which makes them extremely vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19), you can register them to receive support HERE

On Monday 6th April, Charity So White launched the "Racial Injustice in the Covid-19 Response". This live position paper provides an overview of the risks and impact of COVID-19 on racial inequalities within the UK. It outlines an urgent call to action, including specific recommendations for civil society and its funders, to put BAME communities at the heart of their response to ensure it addresses root issues and maximises impact. BSWN is delighted at this launch, as Race Equality and Equity are at the heart of our work with the community sector here in Bristol and in the region.  

Runnymede and 35 race equality, migrant rights and human rights organisations, and Windrush campaigners, wrote to the Home Secretary, Priti Patel MP, outlining ten key recommendations to prioritise following the publication of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review in March 2020. See the full letter and list of signatories HERE.

The UK Government announced a £750m financial package for the charity sectorcharities specifically responding to the crisis in the UK. 

The findings of surveys conducted by The Ubele Initiative, a civil society organisation based in London, suggest that if the crisis continues for up to 3 months, close to 90% of 137 BAME led micro and small organisations who responded to the survey could close permanently within 3 months if the crisis extends into June.

Food related support: 

2. Businesses